Pet Parent Information

Welcome to our outpatient ultrasound information page for pet parents. We know you are here because you’re looking for the best care for your pet. We understand and we are here to help. We partner with your primary veterinarian to provide pets with recommended ultrasound images. In order to schedule an ultrasound appointment with us, please have your veterinarian complete our referral form. After that, we will reach out to you to schedule the appointment. After your appointment, the ultrasound is reviewed by a veterinary radiologist and results are reported to your regular vet. Your vet will contact you to explain test results and treatment recommendations.

Here’s what to expect for your pet:

  • You will drop off your pet with us at 8am the morning of the appointment. There will be some paperwork that you will need to complete before we admit them for the day, you may receive this paperwork prior to the appointment day. We will take great care of your pet while in our care and treat them like our own.

  • Your pet will need to be fasted. This means that they cannot eat the morning of their appointment. If your pet has a chronic condition (such as diabetes) or takes daily medication, please consult with your veterinarian about how much food and what medications they should receive in the morning before the ultrasound appointment. You can bring your pets food with you when you drop them off and we can feed them once the ultrasound service is over.

  • Your pet will need to be up to date on the following vaccinations:

    • Dog – Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella

    • Cat – Rabies, FVRCP

      Ask your current veterinarian if your pet is up to date or if they need boosters. These are all highly contagious and potentially deadly diseases. This requirement is made to keep your pet and other pets protected and safe during their stay in our hospital.

  • We will need to shave your pet for the ultrasound to achieve the best images possible. Please be prepared for a shaved belly and/or chest when you pick them up in the afternoon.

  • When you pick up we will not have results for your pets ultrasound. We send the images to a radiologist for review (just like in human medicine). We will then send your primary veterinarian the report. They will contact you with results and recommendations afterwards. This may take several days, please contact your veterinarian for estimated wait times.

  • If your pet is nervous at the vet’s office, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian for oral anti-anxiety medications to give prior to drop off. This will help keep them comfortable and reduce stress during their stay with us. Sometimes, even with these given, patients will be too wiggly for us to perform the ultrasound and may need sedation. We will need you to give us permission to do so, if needed, when dropping off.

  • Drop off is at 8AM. Pickup time is variable, we will not know an exact time that your pet will have their ultrasound as it is schedule dependent. We will contact you when your pet’s ultrasound is complete to schedule a specific discharge time. Discharge is typically between 2:30 and 4:30 PM.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are happy to be partnering with you and your primary veterinarian!

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