When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, read these tips our team at Elon Oaks Veterinary Hospital put together to ensure your pet is prepared for travel! 

#1: Keep your pet safe with restraints

The same way you buckle your seatbelt before putting your car in drive, you should also securely strap in your pet. Cats and small dogs should ideally be confined in carriers secured with a seatbelt, while large dogs should be restrained with a special safety harness attached to a seatbelt. Restraint will not only keep your pet safe in an accident but will also help prevent them from distracting you while you drive and possibly causing one. 

#2: Be prepared for trouble when traveling

Mishaps occur at any time, but especially when traveling. Ensure your four-legged friend will be cared for by packing a pet first aid kit should you have an accident or an emergency. Stock up on the typical bandage supplies, and add a spare leash, collar, or harness, along with a muzzle for painful injuries. Before heading out on your trip, locate emergency veterinary hospitals along your route and ensure their contact information will be quickly accessible in an emergency. 

#3: Acclimate your pet to traveling in a vehicle before a long trip

If you’re planning a trip with your pet, consider their feelings. Do they enjoy car rides, or do they suffer from motion sickness and drool? Or, do they yowl the entire time they’re in their carrier? If your pet is not comfortable with car rides, acclimate them slowly. To start, ensure your pet is relaxed in their carrier or harness before getting into the car. Reward them with praise and treats when they are outfitted for a trip, take a short drive around the block, and end on a high note with more treats. Slowly work up to longer trips. If necessary,  ask our veterinarian for anti-nausea or anti-anxiety medications.

Before your next adventure with your furry pal, contact our veterinary team and schedule their wellness exam to ensure they are ready for a long trip, and they are current on their vaccinations.

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